The Blog

Speak without fear

2 Secrets to calming your nerves before giving a speech

increase your speaking impact before you say a word

A secret to boosting your speaking impact before you say your first word

should you finesse stories

Why you should fight the urge to ‘gussy up’ stories

old fashioned speaker

Any chance you’re not hip anymore and don’t know it? (A tip when speaking to younger audiences)

Conquer imposter syndrome

Ditch imposter syndrome worries to ace your public speaking

Stop speech procrastination

How to fight back against public speaking procrastination blues

Stories create powerful memories

Why there’s nothing like a good story to create powerful new memories

Why stories sell

How Queen Maria Francisca Isabel rolled her hubby King Afonso VI – Why untold stories can be expensive

Why anyone can learn to find stories audiences will love

Can Anyone Find an Inspiring Story When you Need one?

The British are coming and American Revolutionary War

Forget myths, use real stories to wow audiences (the truth about Paul Revere’s place in US history revealed)

little guy fights back story

Vive la resistance (A small victory for the little guys in France)!

Make audience active participants in your stories

For story oomph – Don’t give audiences ring-side seats, give’em parts

Work with Eamonn O'Brien Today

Stop procrastinating.
Start speaking memorably.

If you’ve ever wished to be a public speaker who inspires, now is the ideal time to get started.

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