mind changing stories

Reframe mindsets through stories – Podcast 25

mind changing stories

Learn why it pays for leaders to focus on stories to reframe mindsets and inspire greater willingness and capacity to make changes happen.

In today’s interview with BBC broadcaster, keynote speaker, trainer, corporate facilitator, and mentalist David Meade, you’ll uncover why stories play pivotal roles in what people you’d like to influence believe, how open they are to change, and the future actions they choose to take (both now and into the future).

How storytelling changes minds, revealed

Lean in as we discuss:

  • What you can learn about how attitudes are shaped from a story about a younger David taking a chance and his mom’s priceless reactions
  • Why we live up and down to expectations of ourselves and how to change ambitions
  • Why the idea that it pays to ‘visualise what you want to achieve’ may be oversold!
  • How crawling into the bowels of an industrial  compressor opened David’s eyes to the art of winning more team buy-in or discretionary effort
  • What Toyota did to create world-class team performance and you can too
  • Insights from the Hawthorne studies  and David’s ‘Confucius Meade’ dad’s fridge magnet
  • Why giving your team members more opportunities to make decisions really matters
  • Two amazing insights leaders can take from a CEO who ‘unfired’ an employee who made a $30k mistake
  • Why it’s so important to learn from stories of others who have overcome challenges
  • When ice-skating athletes Torvill and Dean used out of the box thinking to stretch their results and become world champions
  • Why you can take a leaf out of the creative thinking used to help a journalist who completely and permanently lost his voice but still managed to become a world-class podcaster
  • The power of encouraging others (and yourself) to break the mould earlier versus later
  • And more

Want to know more about leading change with less heartache?

To learn how I can help you boost your executive impact and influence, contact me at eobrien@thersc.ie


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